Monthly Market Statisics
Welcome to our Albuquerque, Rio Rancho and Surrounding Area local market statistics. What you will find is monthly market statistics for our local market area. As you know real estate is local which means that national statistics reported through the new media will most likely not apply to housing in your area. This page is meant to be the most accurate data available and the most relevant to our Local Market. Some of the stats reported will be absorption rates, pending sales, closed sale, average sale price and on occasion area spotlights etc. Please visit monthly and if you want a more detailed market snapshot of your neighborhood you can always contact us. |
Greater Albuquerque Association of REALTORS® Reports
Monthly ReportsShort Version May MLS 2010 Market Report (One Page)
    May MLS 2010 Market Report (Full Version)
Short Version April MLS 2010 Market Report  (One Page)
    April MLS 2010 Market Report (Full Version)
February MLS 2010 Market Report
January MLS 2010 Market Report
Quarterly Reports
2010Â First Quarter Sales Report
    2010 First Quater Sales Report ("Green" version)
Area Spotlights
Neighborhood Spotlight - Nobhill Albuquerque