Recently read this article and thought it may help those needing to prevent foreclosure

There are several government reports out now stating that most homeowners who lose their home to foreclosure never contact the bank to determine whether they can work something out with them, despite the ubiquitous government, bank and media education campaigns encouraging them to do just that.

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Contact me to help advise you on a possible short sale Carlos Martinez 505-350-8184 Click Here for additional information.

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Loan Type Current Interest Rate
VA 3.75%
FHA 3.75%
Conventional 4%

Home Buyer Rebate FAQ - Click Here

New Construction Home Buyer Rebate - Albuquerque - Rio Rancho

List of New Construction Builders in Albuquerque and Rio Rancho

Receive 1% Cash Rebate on any New construction already or to-be-built home. This will be on top of any other incentive that the new builder gives.

Typical Incentive with builders:

2-3% Buyer Closing Costs Paid. This usually means NO CLOSING COSTS!
Appliance upgrade package
Window coverings throughout

Now until the end of the year, we will be offering a 1% CASH REBATE to the buyer. Just call us or go to any of the New Home builders and when you register just write down that we sent you.

Example: Sale Price $200,000 x 1% = $2,000 Cash TO YOU!

***Buyer rebate…

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