We are local Realtors that have successfully closed hundreds of home purchases and we see financing from all different lenders local, online and out of state. We have great success with local lenders because they own and operate offices in Albuquerque that we can call or visit the same loan officer if we have a problem.

With online or out of state retail lenders is when we have the greatest probability of issues arising and closing ontime. We don't really know why this happens but consider there is not much accountability with no local person to go to or calling in to their call center and talking to a different loan officer/processor each time MAY have something to do with it.  This includes Bank of America, Wells Fargo, USAA, Quicken Loans and many…

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Some basic information that may help you in your quest for more information on a home listing.

If you notice the information located in the 'Additional Information' section of a MLS Listing Display. This information will be available for all listings and is typically located at the bottom right hand side of the display.




The 'Additional Information' will also let you know if the home is a Short Sale or Bank Owned Home.  This can be useful if you are or are not interested in short sale's or foreclosures.  If it does not specifically have RE/Bank Owned or Short Sale then it is just a regular sale.



So here are some quick definitions for financing:

  • Conventional - This is a common type of financing with a…

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We just gave over $10,000 in NEW home buyer cash rebates with approximately $6,000 more going to buyers here soon. What would you do with the extra cash rebate?

Testimonial from our recent new construction buyer:

Got in late last night. Thanks for running the checks over. They will come in handy to finish the wall around the property. Thanks for all your help again and I will be sure to recommend you when the opportunity arises.


See more details about our Home Buyer Rebate or calculate your New Home Buyer Rebate Here.

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