8400 Hawk EyeWhat does quiet sound like??

That is the beautiful sound at our home.

Montecito Estates is such a wonderful place to raise children. Our home is quiet, airy, and spacious! Every part of this house is cozy. The home is very energy efficient keeping super cool in summer and nice and warm in the winter time. The home bills are considerably inexpensive for a home of this size. Our side yard has the perfect space to grow fruits and veggies while still having a place for the little ones to play. The covered patio makes a wonderful dinner area and a great place for morning coffee. The park and pool is about a two minute walk from the house. On any given day, a walk in the neighborhood is amazing!! There are bike trails, running trails, and amazing views of…

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7173 Husky DriveThere is so much about our home that we loved. We did so much to it thinking we would never leave. We chose the place mainly because it was between both Albuquerque and Santa Fe. The best part about our house is the back yard. My wife designed the side and the ponds while I built the patio with ideas from Sandia Casino. The fence was built by myself with seeing fences like that in Santa Fe. We would go out at Sunset and look at all of the different colors of the sunset on the Sandia Crest. After that when it got dark we would watch the fish in our pond and some times have neighbors over for a glass of wine.
We also added the Central air and heat along with putting the Synthetic Stucco on our home to help with the cost of cooling and heating. It knocked…

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Water In WinterIt's important to water your trees, lawns & plants in the Winter. Why? Read more to find out the facts!

Dry air, low precipitation, little soil moisture, and fluctuating temperatures are characteristics of fall and winter in many areas of New Mexico. Often there is little or no snow cover to provide soil moisture during the winter months. Trees, shrubs, perennials and lawns may be damaged if they do not receive enough water.

If you do not water during the winter months, you may have death to parts of plant root systems. Some plants will resume perfectly normal as they use stored food energy, but some make be weakened in spring when temperatures rise. Weakened plants also may be subject to insect and disease problems. Lawns also are prone to winter…

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13112 Calle Azul We moved to this location because we love the quiet cul-de-sac location. It has both the feel of living in the country but with all the benefits of city utilities. We added many special touches to the home but our favorite is probably the high-end Pella Windows with blinds in them. We put a membrane on the home that has a life-time warranty that is transferable to a buyer and it has lowered our home owner's insurance. The house has lots of natural light which we love. Our yards are xeri-scaped -- not zero-scaped and require lower water. Both yards have drip systems for watering.

By Carlos Martinez

Extras include:

  • Cul-de-sac
  • High-end Pella Windows with blinds inside
  • Lifetime Warranty
  • Lots of Natural Light
  • Xeri-scaped Yard

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Albuquerque "Treecycling" Do you still have a Christmas Tree hanging out in or outside your home? The City of Albuquerque and Public Service Company of New Mexico is offering a "Treecycling" program where you can drop off up to five trees for FREE. The goal of the program is to reduce waste by recycling your Christmas Tree.


Jan 02, 2014 08:00 AM - Jan 12, 2014 05:00 PM


Montessa Park Convenience Center
3512 Los Picaros SE - Map
(505) 873-6607
Eagle Rock Convenience Center
6301 Eagle Rock NE - Map
(505) 857-8318
Ladera Golf Course
Coors and Ladera NW - Map
(505) 836-4449

Tree Limits

Trees are limited to five per customer.

Tree Recycling Benefits

Christmas trees will be chipped on site and available free to the public to use as mulch. By recycling your…

2015 Views, 0 Comments

Every year when January rolls around you vow to lose weight, save money or spend more time with family and friends. But what goals do you set for your home?

New Year's Resolution For Your HomeThorough Cleaning

One of the best and least expensive ways to feel better about your home is to clear it of clutter. This year go room-by-room clearing anything that you don't use, wear or love and donate it to charity. Clean out your closets and any other space that is packed with things that you haven’t seen in years. Sell things (ebay, criaigslist, throw a yard sale) and turn those things into money that you can use towards a home improvement project that you’ve been putting off. Here are some other cleaning tips.

  • Deep clean your carpet.
  • Rent a sander and refinish your hardwood floors.

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