This could mean that you could have an error on your credit report that could affect your credit score.  This may cause you to NOT get a favorable interest rate on a mortgage loan, car loan or insurance. This could also affect job opportunities. 

It is important to check your credit report for errors at least once a year and more importantly before you start shopping for a home and applying for a loan/credit.  I would suggest you check your credit report 3 months prior to applying for credit as this would give you time to correct any inaccuracies. Disputes take time so its best to have as much time as possible to correct. You do not want the stress of trying to fix these items when in the process of buying a home.

Once a year you can order a FREE…

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-Grammar and middle schools are within walking distance. High school is a bit farther. 
-This is a bedroom community, so it is very quiet during the day - low traffic. 
-Neighbors on both sides are home during the day and are very quiet. Mostly keep to themselves. Never any trouble. Keep their homes very neat. 
-There is a neighborhood watch provided by the Home Owners Association, this has kept area crime low. The neighborhood association maintains a community center and swimming pool for members and family. 
-Easy walking distance to regional park, restaurants, hair salon, barber shop, pharmacy, convenience store and post office. 
-Yard is easy maintenance with desert plantings and automatic drip system throughout. Back yard features shade trees, established…

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Smart Homes Albuquerque and Rio RanchoTechnology is making every day life more convenient. Mobile phones can do more than ever before with information just a Google search away. Now with your same cell phone and internet connected home your refrigerator will text you to tell you its time to stop to get more milk and your washing machine will let you know when your laundry is done.

Buyers today in the Albuquerque and Rio Rancho market are now turning their attention to smart home features, security being top of their list. Sellers if you are looking to upgrade smart home features may be the way to go.

Which smart home feature is most important to you? Surveyed consumers spoke and the results are below.

  • Security (65 percent)
  • Temperature control (57 percent)
  • Safety (48…

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