We are local Realtors that have successfully closed hundreds of home purchases and we see financing from all different lenders local, online and out of state. We have great success with local lenders because they own and operate offices in Albuquerque that we can call or visit the same loan officer if we have a problem.

With online or out of state retail lenders is when we have the greatest probability of issues arising and closing ontime. We don't really know why this happens but consider there is not much accountability with no local person to go to or calling in to their call center and talking to a different loan officer/processor each time MAY have something to do with it.  This includes Bank of America, Wells Fargo, USAA, Quicken Loans and many others.

USAA is where we have the greatest issues. Most buyer's want to close in the typical 30 day timeframe but USAA will not and cannot guarantee that, just ask them.  We also have many buyers who use the USAA Advantage program and receive an agent who is severly unmotivated to go the extra step because USAA takes so much of their commission and only passes on MAYBE half to you for using them as a lender.  We get a lot of unhappy buyers and we come in, work hard and find them their dream home.

USAA is a great lender if you can wait 45 - 60 days or more to close on your home. Asking a seller for to much more than a 30 day closing can negatively affect your negotiation power.

Why don't you take advantage of our own NMWelcomeHome Team Buyer Advantage Program and receive much more in Cash Rebates. Click Here We will even match the current rebates they have in place for a resale home. We can do this because we don't have to pay them over a third of our commission and you still receive the same great service!

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Posted by NMWelcomeHome Team Associates (505) 886-1432 on
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